Finding Your Purpose In Life

Do you feel as if something is missing in your life?

Are you walking through life feeling numb and desperate for a deeper connection, but you’re not sure what that is or how to get it? Finding a new purpose in life may be the answer you are looking for!

What is purpose?

Purpose is what guides and motivates you. It keeps you connected to the world around you. It may shift and change throughout your life depending on circumstances and experiences. You may be someone who wants to make a big difference in the world, or you might be someone who finds purpose from the little things in life. It could be your work, your family, your hobbies, your religious beliefs. Whatever it is, it will be unique to every one of you!

Why do we need purpose?

Purpose is the reason why you get up in the morning. It influences your life decisions and gives you a sense of direction by creating meaning. If you don’t know what your purpose is, then you might question why you are here. If you don’t know why you are here, it can be hard to keep going!

Finding your purpose

The problem may be not that you don’t know what your purpose is but the way in which you are trying to find your purpose. Try stepping back. STOP and think for a moment. Ask yourself: can you state your purpose? If not, then get creative. Jump in and try new things. Stop resisting the unknown and be fully engaged in what is happening right here, right now. When you are engaged, you will find new passions – follow those passions! When you live a passion-filled life, you are living on purpose – and that is the purpose of life.

Change ahead signBreak up with the ‘ONE’

You may be struggling because you have tried to find that ONE thing that you are meant to do, but trying to find only one thing is the reason why you feel like something is missing. Let go of thinking there is only one purpose for you. Embrace the idea that your purpose in life is to live life fully by engaging with all possibilities. The notion that you are only meant for one one thing limits you from fulfilling your potential.

How to find your purpose and passion?

My journey

In my early years of growing up, I never really thought about purpose – I just did what I did! Then, in my early fifties, I started to feel like my life had no direction. I became lost and I felt stuck. No amount of thinking brought clarification for me. Then I took a mental note from Nike and ‘Just Did It’. I started to try lots of new things – studying, volunteering, meditation and tennis. The more I tried different things, the more clarity I gained. I found true passion in life through learning, and connecting with and supporting other people. My passions became my purpose!

time for action (clock)Taking action

By taking action, I found clarity. I found my passion and purpose in life. I would never have consciously found that passion if I hadn’t explored and tried new things. The experience was my reward and clarity came to me through the process of exploring. Action is where I got results. I knew instantly that becoming a Wellbeing Life coach ticked all the boxes – learning (specifically about health and happiness), and connecting with and supporting women.

Red heartHead to your heart

I asked myself what I loved and I started taking steps to do what I loved. That’s when I became inspired and connected with my happy self. Inspiration flooded my heart and soul. When I led from my heart, I became more joyful and motivated to explore. I have gained new insight into what brings me the most joy in my life. The feeling that something was missing has gone away and I feel connected to my life again. To fix this emptiness, I simply searched for and added more things I feel passionate about.

How are you going to overcome obstacles and challenges?

Helpful tipsSix top tips for finding your purpose

Stop thinking and start doing.

True purpose is about recognising your own unique gifts and using them.

Do what you truly want and remove the things in your life that you don’t want.

  1. Let go of the ONE – trying to find that ONE thing may be the reason why you are feeling like something is missing.
  2. Follow your heart – when you lead from the heart, you will become more joyful and motivated to explore.
  3. Small steps – explore life by trying new things. You never know, by exploring different things in your life you may find a new passion – it’s never too late!
  4. Embrace your passion – living a passionate life means living a life of purpose.
  5. Be present for the journey – once you are oozing with passion, you will feel purposeful and fulfilled. Enjoy your journey to an amazing life!
  6. Become emotionally connected – fully engage with your purpose and feel joy again.

Jules is totally committed to improving your professional and personal life.